Layman : element of beauty

Layman is a company with 25 years of experience in the furniture market. This has allowed the brand to gain valuable experience and a stable position on the market. Qualified staff, the use of the best materials and modern machinery are the company's recipe for excellent furniture that looks great in any interior.
It is also a quality that is constantly appreciated by both Polish and foreign customers. Layman supplies products to a wide range of customers, currently cooperating with over 300 furniture stores from Poland and abroad. The brand’s offer includes mainly room and kitchen furniture. They make it possible to create an arrangement that not only fits in with modern trends, but also perfectly meets the needs of customers. From simple geometric modules, original compositions can be created, often going beyond initial ideas. This is because the brand’s premise is to take a holistic view of living space and arrange it appropriately using its own products.

Layman is above all a bold trend-setter. This brand is not afraid of challenges. However, it was in need of some help in translating its philosophy into consumer language.

We picked sparrow as the Key Visual. It represents everything that is important to the company: the majesty of nature, courage and attachment to one’s territory.

Claim is a short phrase that aims to solidify brand associations in the minds of the audience. It must be “broad” enough to build a consistent message for all advertising and branding campaigns. Claim, however, as a rule, plays the most important role not when brand awareness is already established, but in the first phase of its building. It is supposed to explain to potential customers, what the company does and what values it it wants to be associated with.

In addition, we have developed a set of brand values. Brand values cannot be something random. Company, by describing itself in a specific way, makes a certain promise to its audience. A promise that it must fulfill. Values are something that give the brand uniqueness, are authentic and work on potential customers. By pointing to values, a brand indicates the qualities that are most important to it, both to the company as a whole and to individual employees. These qualities give it an advantage over its competitors.

The decision to conduct the rebranding was made only 2 months before the important trade fair. It was necessary to carry out the trade fair booth design process simultaneously with the branding process, including all marketing elements.